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$26k Sellingsquare Website Template


Hey Everyone,


Today we feature an Etsy store that sells Squarespace templates and has over $26k in revenue.


For anyone who is confused about how I come up with the estimated revenue of every store, here is the formula I use.


First, I check the total amount of sales x the AOV (average order value). The average order value in this case is the average price of the product they are selling.


Some stats about this store:


Sales: 137

AOV: $190

Revenue: $26,030

Monthly Revenue: $2169

Opportunity for You:


The reason why I created this newsletter is to showcase how people are making crazy money with digital products and, most importantly, how you can tap into these niches and start your own journey.


You don't need to be an expert in any of these niches.


I’m doing the leg work for you guys, which is research, and now all you have to do is take action, and trust me, you will get there!!!

Here is a strategy you can use to start with the Squarespace website template store.


II: Sort the listing by relevance.

III: Pick the first three products.

IV: Go to Fiverr or Upwork to find the best Sqaurespace developer. Show them those templates and tell them to come up with something similar or even better.

V: After receiving your templates, start listing them and pushing them with Etsy Ads. Budget $20 a day until you start getting reviews and sales consistently.

Remember, Take action!