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Make $2k/m with Etsy+AI [Strategy Breakdown]

Here are the upside of selling digital products:

  • Profit Margins [Very high 90%+]

  • Capital to start [Minimal just invest time to learn skill]

  • Time to launch [Very fast]

There are tons of digital product creators now leveraging AI to create million dollar etsy stores. Going to show you exactly how to tap into it.

  1. Go to Etsy and search for “Plr products”. Filter the search results by price and enter “50” . We want to focus on high ticket Plr products.

  1. Find PLR products targeted towards women. Search for this product on etsy and buy a similar product for cheaper.

Perfect example

  1. Get ChatGPT to write testimonial style reviews of the product. You can directly post the URL and GPT will read through the reviews, product description, etc to make the reviews.

  1. Go to FlikiAI to create AI testimonial style video. Paste the URL of the Etsy listing into the prompt or ChatGPT script as shown. It will create an AI style review video of the product with an AI voice over and caption. Play around with photos, music, to improve the video.

  1. Publish the video to TikTok and use relevant tags for the product. Add the link of your digital product on bio. Each sale will bring $50 and suppose you post 5X a day and get 1k views with 0.1% conversion rate that is 5 sales a day totaling to $250

There are two models of products that are forming the next wave of digital dropshipping millionaires:

-PLR products

-Outsourced service and Knowledge Experts.